Aerial Lidar Surveying
Drone Based LIDAR
With our UAV mounted LIDAR scanner, we can tackle huge surveys in record time and more accurately compared to traditional surveying methods. Even traditional aerial mapping with photogrammetry had its limitations including canopy cover and weather conditions. This system is amazingly accurate even with dense canopy cover, and low light conditions! Another benefit is the reduction in errors and omissions due to the "human factor" inherent with all survey crews.
No matter the terrain, aerial lidar surveying of topography and existing conditions can be completed more quickly and accurately than ever before with drones. A site that might have taken weeks of field work to survey due to rough or steep terrain and dense vegetation, can now be done in hours; even mapping out a flight plan for the survey before we ever leave the office. With the outstanding coverage obtained with this type of aerial surveying, the chances for errors or omissions is substantially reduced and a better topographic survey or as-built can be provided.
GSA has chosen the industry leader in UAV LIDAR solutions, GeoCue and their revolutionary TrueView 515 integrated LIDAR/camera fusion platform. With extremely high accuracy and its wide field of view, we're able to capture data at blazing speeds and deliver best-in-class aerial surveys. Our Post-processing software uses system positioning info to perform roll compensation and allows reduced overlap between flight lines, and increases flight efficiency.
The Latest Technology
GSA continues to stay on the cutting edge of lidar surveying technology and investing in the best equipment and experienced staff, so we can provide all of our clients with the best possible surveys, on time and within budget. Very few Land Surveyors have the capabilities GSA has, and we'd like the opportunity to show you what a first class Land Surveying Company can deliver for prices you can afford.

ALDOT - City Walk - Birmingham, AL

Kinder Morgan - Cordova Expansion - Cordova, AL

Latest in LIDAR Technology